Ovaha's Hut believes in respecting human rights to all parts of the world and no man is great than the rights of people, we write this to ask Sudan as a nation to free Meriam, she did not commit any crime by using her power of choice and we as Ovaha's Hut we don't support that ugly act of killing the innocent Meriam or any other person.
A 27-year-old Meriam Yehya Ibrahim is heavily pregnant. When she appeared before the courtroom in Khartoum, Sudan’s capital city, on 15 May and refused to renounce her Christian religion, the judges sentenced to death by hanging for ‘apostasy’. She has also been sentenced to 100 lashes for being married to a Christian man. Meriam has committed no crime. She is a prisoner of conscience and should be released immediately.
Now, Meriam is being held in detention with her 20-month-old son. She is expecting her second child next month. She needs medical care and the support of her family, but if her conditions don’t change she will give birth in prison.Sudan won't hang Meriam while she is pregnant. The Criminal Code states that she must give birth first, and nurse her child for two years before her execution can go ahead. If Sudan does execute Meriam after this period, they will leave two young children motherless, as well as taking away Meriam's right to life. No date for her execution has yet been announced.
Sudan follows Sharia (Islamic) law in its Criminal Code, and ‘apostasy’ (Riddah, in Arabic) is punishable by death. Apostasy is the renouncing of Islamic religion, either by refusing to follow Islam, or through being a believer of an alternative religion.Those charged with apostasy have three days to renounce their religion and follow Islam. Meriam first appeared before the court in Khartoum on 11 May. When, on 15 May, she refused to renounce her Christian faith, her death sentence was confirmed. Meriam was first arrested in August last year because her husband is Christian. Under Sudan’s Sharia law, marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man is illegal, and constitutes adultery.
One of her relatives had claimed that Meriam was committing ‘adultery’ for marrying outside of Islam, and reported her to authorities. But Meriam identifies as Christian – while her father is Muslim, he was absent during her childhood and she was raised Orthodox Christian by her mother.On 15 May, the court ruled that the allegations of ‘adultery’ stood, and agreed that Meriam should face 100 lashes for being married to a Christian.
Ovaha's Hut believes that its only God who will judges humanity not a man judging another man in position of God.... #free free free Meriam.
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